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Questionnaire Survey


We wanted to involve not only the perspective of business owners, but also the opinions of potential tourists. This is why we decided to create a survey based on visitors' opinions. 

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Question 1: How old are you?

Then, as you can see, almost 80% of them had already experienced rural tourism whereas almost 16% said no . It illustrates well the fact that they were mostly young adults so they tend to go towards the local and are more likely to experience rural tourism.


As you can see, exactly 73,6% of people that answered the questionnaire are about between 18 and 24 years old because they were mostly students. 

Given that most of the people who answered are young people and that this new generation tends to be more concerned about environmental impacts and tries to change the bad habits of the society, these results might not have been the same if the people involved had been older.

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Question 2: Have you ever experienced rural tourism?

​Question 3 and 4 were:  “How often do you engage in rural tourism?” and “When do you prefer engaging in rural tourism?”

Question 3: How often do you engage in rural tourism?”

Question 4: When do you prefer engaging in rural tourism?

​It reflects that it’s still not a common habit it’s mostly something that people do in their free time especially during holidays and the weekends.

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Question 5: Why do you engage in rural tourism?

We can also see with question 5: “Why do you engage in rural tourism?” that with 75%, most of people prefer to engage in rural tourism to experience new activities that are out of their comfort zone. It shows that most of the time when people think about rural tourism it’s not really something that can become a regular habit but mostly an experience when you can get some rest for example.

With question 6: “Would you like to try rural tourism?” We notice that 84% that is to say more than 3 quarters of people would like to try or do it again whereas 20% are not really interested in it. Even if some of them are not really interested in it, it still shows that rural tourism tends to generate curiosity and attract new visitors.

Question 6: Would you like to try rural tourism?

​About what rural tourism activities do people prefer, we can clearly see that it varies a lot. The majority of people prefer to visit nature with beautiful landscapes and then it’s agritourism, so visiting farms, vineyards, pick your own food…Then people also like to visit villages and doing sportive activities in nature. With these results we can say that people associate rural tourism to nature and that it clearly shows the desire of trying new things such as agritourism and do not only want to walk around or experience sport in rural areas.

Question 7: What rural tourism activities do you prefer?

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Question 8: What do you think the greatest impact of rural tourism is?

This question is really interesting because it reflects how people perceive rural tourism and what they think is the greatest impact. As you can see, about the environmental, social and economic aspects, on a scale of 1 to 10 the sharing is quite equal. It shows that when people think about rural tourism they also think about the good and bad consequences on many aspects. For example, they can choose to go toward the local because of the pollution that regular tourism in cities generates or because it can help local people like farmer economically speaking.


Finally, the last question of our questionnaire was “What do you think are the main positive or negative aspects of rural tourism?”

Here I would to highlight two things, firstly, most of the comments were about positive aspects such as experiencing new things, the fact that it generates less pollution and more job opportunities for local people and it also offers the possibility for people who live in cities to discover the countryside and its reality.

Nevertheless, people also commented about one negative aspect which is the distance. Indeed, for people outside the countryside it can be hard to travel there and without any public transport or infrastructure and this would mean using a polluting vehicle, which is contrary to the values promoted by rural tourism.

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